Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Flash story subscriptions --

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Hi Readers & Friends:
I'm now taking subscribers to RD Larson's Flash Fiction service. A flash story will be sent to your USPO mail address, your email or your cell (255 characters) once a week for a $1.00 a month; a year for $10.00. You will get first read of new stories before I submit them anywhere. Not only that you'll have them to save or to print and read as you wish. You may not forward the stories; however, there will be a bonus story now and then. Some stories will be four parts to a longer story. Of course, cell or PDA will be shorter and different. Please check my website for details. I will give away one of my print books to the 25th subscriber free and postage paid and autographed. There will be other surprise free gifts. But only to subscribers. Enrol now at www.RDLarson.com (Paypal only)