Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Mama Tried to Raise a Lady [MultiFormat]
eBook by R. D. Larson


You Pay: $6.50


eBook Category: Mainstream
eBook Description: RD Larson was a very special little girl, with a very special Mama. RD was something of a tomboy, but her mama tried to raise a lady. RD believed in angels and even though she was born with a heart ailment, Mama taught her to have faith. Having faith wasn't hard for the little blonde waif whose movie star mama gave up the silver-screen to marry her Pop. Other things were hard though--minding her manners, staying clean, behaving like the "little lady" her mama wanted. RD Larson's "Mama" stories have been popular with magazines, have won awards in contests, and have been making people laugh ever since she started to write them down. A fun family romp from the co-author of Saving Reverend Clayton.

eBook Publisher: ebooksonthe.net, Published: 2000
Fictionwise Release Date: February 2005

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I'd be the first to say Anderson Cooper is innovator and an exciting news reporter. As long as he doesn't color the news with his opinion. He certainly isn't a Talking Head. He does have strong feelings and isn't afraid to show them. Well, then FOX anchors do it so I guess that's right if CNN does it. And if that's what the American public wants. But where is the impartial voices we used to hear? I felt sure Aron Brown would disappear when he got paired too long with Cooper after Katrina. After four years I'd gotten use to him. It's okay. I can change. I just don't want the idea of impartial news reporting to change. I'm worried though. It SEEMS to be changing. Can we be manipulated, coached and shuffled by the media? Yeah, if we don't pay attention.

Zippy hurt his leg and is limping around. I think it's a sprain. Too much football watching, I think. He did well by the turkey. He's so much smarter than we others -- he only eats as much as he needs. He doesn't mind not clearing his plate. I had a dog once who ate walnuts that fell off the tree. He got very wide and very tired.

I also was a kid who ate until I was sick.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.


Wednesday, November 23, 2005

So are sitting in your warm place, reading this? Got food? Got TV or a book? Got family that loves you?Llooks to me like you've got a lot to be thankful for. As for me I have so much more than I ever thought I would have ever. I was poor as a kid. It still thrills me to see the big fat turkey and the cranberry sauce. I wish every one a day of reflection on what matters and what needs to be done to make life better. Good luck and Happy Thanksgiving.

Remember to count your blessings.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.


Saturday, November 19, 2005

I've been told that the vote and debate in the House of Congress didn't count with regard to pulling the troops out of Vietnam -- er-- Iraq. Well, yes it did because it showed that certain groups (Republican Hawks) would use any means that they could think of to smoke screen the questions and debate of "Why are we in Iraq?" More and more people know it's wrong to have gone there in the first place. Did you watch "The Crusades, the Cresent and the Cross" on the History Channel More
Both Muslims and Christians had bloody exchanges. It was a terrible time. Tushi Bushi must have an IV to his God because he sure is preaching way too much. He's now trying to nudge the Chinese into his opinion. I thought this country was about FREEDOM. Less , I realize, as these last four years drag on, that it's more about somebody trying to make us THINK what they THINK. It's not wrong to witness to others about your religion, but if they don't want to listen, then, don't be a pest. Where the heck do these FUNDAMENTALISTS think they are doing? Read about MURTHA -- He's a real hero and not a sissy. I hate to think of the smear that he's getting and the reasons behind why it is happening. As rights are being eroded, Tushi is out claiming freedom rights for other countries. Who made him our CHEER LEADER for THAT? He's the CommanderINCheese; not the Dahli Llama. What crap he spouts along with his smirks and tired old lines. It will not be pounded in to my mind. Don't be empty vessel with only so-called self-made prophits proselityzing to you. Think about how it would be to be the other person. Work for negotiation and compatibility. Live and let live.

Enough of my soapbox:

Are you ready for Christmas? Me either. Ready for Thanksgiving? Me either. I usually start early, but somehow not this year. Zippy had two hamburger patties from Wendy's a couple of days ago. He's so smart; he ate one and saved the other for later. He's still very protective of me when I'm asleep. But his barking wakes me up. He hears gnats walking on the roof and raises a cry to defend me.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.


Sunday, November 13, 2005

tushi bushi is at it again, preacher to choir, speechifying at a base. They can't protest -- the audience would face court marshals as he is the "commanderINcheese." It makes me laugh. Who does he think he's kidding? We're all aware of the blurring of facts by now. We're all aware that he is the dummy on Charlie Chaney's lap. What IS this warhawk attitude? I thought we had the eagle as a mascot. Fuzzy twists on his speech are listed here. If you want to see the spin . . .

Of course, we can't kill all the terrorists, but does he think we can? They'll break our bank with war funds and attacks first. That is the plan, I think. They're giving high fives right now. Another billion dollars spent by the American cowboy! Yippe!

I am so sad about the bombings in Jordan. Those poor people. Wrong, wrong. Fundamentalists of any kind are out. Tunnel vision on this planet is out. We are smashing through space on a blue island. We'd better get along before the Aliens from Mars attack. Seriously, haven't we learned that working together makes the world a better place? Let's do something to help each other, not hate each other. It's wrong and it's not going to help anyone.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

RDLarson's Homesite

Friday, November 11, 2005

Hooray for Veterans everywhere and all who have served and all our brave men and women who are serving now. Just because I've never been FOR the war, and facts now prove that the UN was right -- there were no WMD in Iraq, it does not mean I don't honor our fighting men and women.

I have my own Veteran as you can see above. He's my hero. Nearly 48 years ago he was inducted into the Army at Ft. Carson Colorado and served in the Cold War. Here he is today, still fit in his uniform and handsome as always.

Bless you Veterans, every one. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

I'm not a Pisces. Yet water is my sign. The good years of my life have been spent in, on , around, or near the Pacific Ocean. The ocean in endless and timeless. It changes constantly. It is fearsome and forceful. Yet it can rock me to sleep and solve my stress problems. From flying kites, to sailing and beach walking there is no other way for me to find the solace I crave, except in context of the ocean.

© RD Larson 2005

May not be used without permission of the author.

Monday, November 7, 2005

No republic/democracy has lasted for a long time. Why not? Why have we succeeded for so long? Do you know what kind of government our country has? Go here to learn more http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic

Do not neglect your duty and right to vote!

Think we pay a lot of taxes if we're rich? http://www.nationmaster.com/country/us/Taxation



It's our country and we are the ones who manage it. So vote. I did and you should also.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.
RDLarson's Home Page

Sunday, November 6, 2005

Fiction Marries Fact


RD Larson

"So much lies beneath the surface of all of us, I suppose . . . I suppose."

These are words that I heard a woman say at a cafe as I was sitting at the next table. I began to wonder what secrets she had, what did lay beneath her synthetic self? What had happened to her that only a few people knew about? Things that had broke her heart? Unbelievable agonies, maybe? So vile that it made her go mad? And was she capable of crime? The worst kind of crime? From all this inner dialogue, I wrote a story about a woman who forgave and forgave her beloved. Until the last time.

All of my stories have some truth and some fact. A person turning away, pulling his hat down against the rain is perhaps a start of a story. From another place, perhaps a news story, I'll hear about an environmental cover-up. This became a story of a man who works to rid his town of greed and corruption.

Sometimes a group of writers seems to have something to say; itÂ?s sort of like a cadence of marching with all the writers of that era hearing the same music. Yet also there are those hear flutes and not drums. Still, the story is the essence of a private communication between the writer and the reader. With movies and television the experience is not one-on-one as with the writer and the reader. We do it as a team event when we go to movies or watch television. Listening to the radio seems to be more of a lone person event where the person is receiving only receiving input.

It seems odd to me that many times a cloud of stories fly above the heads of writers everywhere, waiting to be snatched from the air. Which writer is able to grab the story is the torment that we must suffer. Often the first person catching that story will sell it first. Is there only so many stories that can find a place? And what of readers? Do they want the similar stories for a period of time? I believe this is so. It is the time in which we exist and our distance from each other that is irrelevant.

I canÂ?t plan what I want to write because it sort of just comes about from a word or a conversation, even another writer that inspire me to learn more about a subject which then takes its own characters and own story.

Sometimes a moment in my life, such as an illness or an accident will prompt a Â?What ifÂ? question. Every personÂ?s story is important and universal because we all must live our lives.

As a writer my job is to take true events and turn them into a story or a novel that while it is fiction, has a truth about our selves, our families and lives. Every story has -- must have -- a level of communication that the reader can understands and connects with his life.

We enjoy what we know. We want what is familiar and known to us. But as writers and as readers we must be open to growth and to change however small and unimportant it seems. As children we are thrilled to read stories of adventure and excitement. Or stories of other childrenÂ?s lives. Why should anything be different when we are older? To become grounded is limited. To explore, to learn is to grow forward.

In every fact there is a cloud of secret ideas and thoughts and desires waiting to be told. A personal growth of self can improve our lives and lives of others.

Read what you can. Write what you can. But a writer canÂ?t be afraid to coil the facts to make a fictional story come to life. The reader must suspend his own reality for the writerÂ?s imagination for just a few hours. Both must try to grasp what is beyond the apparent and obvious. Look for that in your life, your travels and in your books.

Reading is a agreement between the writer and the reader. A contract, if you will, of offerings and expectations.

DonÂ?t give up easily in challenging yourself. Take a chance to read a story that you would not ordinarily read or write a story that you would not usually write. For who knows when that cloud of stories will reveal a secret that only you can understand. As a writer, I am a mirror to you and we have a contract. My contract is to show you my vulnerability and my strength. Your contract is to be receptive and to give the story a change to develop and to enrich your own life.
© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Thursday, November 3, 2005

That's me in the doggie doctor shirt.

Okay, I admit it. I got dressed up for Halloween. So what? Quit laughing! Stop that! I was a Jack Big Head. I wasn't as big as some Jack Heads. But my head was hand-crapted and handily painted. I also gave me big juicy lips and curly lashes. I smoozed with a big-footed clown, hugged pervert Jack Head and chatted with a gorgeous ski bunny Jack Head. I ate and talked with a black cat and a diva from far away India. I drank little and ate little. But I had a really good time. Halloween IS too for grown-ups. Go fly a kite, Bill Mahr!

So didya read my story at www.footstepstooxford.com YET?

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.


Tuesday, November 1, 2005

REVOLUTION! Go, Democrats! Enough of the Empire! Enough of the lies! Enough of cronyism and religious intolerance! Enough of the Republican's Government Failures! Enough of War!

Write your senators and your congressmen! Tell your neighbors and your friends! We have been spend billions when it wasn't necessary. Value our Service Men and Women, but let's bring them home.

We can't let our country fall into complete chaos and debt, run by a handful of people who say "it's for our people" beause WE ARE THE PEOPLE AND WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT!

New choice all wrong? We should investigate this!

Congress Email Directory Here's where you can write to your representatives. Do so today.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.
