Tuesday, August 22, 2006

WRITER @Large with flash BLOG

Have you been thinking about the victims of Katrina? Not that much any more? Me either. Shame on us. Shame shame on us. There are still thousands and thousands of people suffering and it doesn't seem like much is being done to help them. Watch this documentary on HBO. You have to, you simply have to do it. I couldn't watch all of it but I will. I couldn't watch because my heart was hurting for those folks, those suffering folks, the ones we see in the film and all the ones we don't see. They could be our brothers or sisters, our mothers and fathers. They are our families, just as sure as this is our planet and our nation. We must do more, demand more and pray for more for those who have lost so much. I tell you that the woman who died in the dome could have been my own mother; when I saw her sitting there, dead, in a wheelchair, a blanket over her head -- I knew it could have easily been my own mother. This is what I thought when it was happening on CNN. The horror of the storm is truly the aftermath, the indifference to the people who suffered and are still suffering. I think Spike Lee has done a great and beautiful tribute truth-telling with this film. I hope it makes us all closer and makes us all reach out to our brothers and sisters -- the family of mankind.

When The Levee Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts, on HBO Aug. 21-22 (Part 1 and 2), at 8 p.m. The whole four hours will be shown in its entirely on Aug. 29, at 7 p.m. http://www.hbo.com/

READ MORE; LEARN MORE: http://www.hbo.com/docs/programs/whentheleveesbroke/?ntrack_para1=feat_main_text

Sunday, August 20, 2006

WRITER @Large with flash BLOG
Don't be letting everyone and everything run your life. Take it from me that's a dumb thing to do. I'm not saying don't be fair; but don't be a door mat either. Do your duty but keep in mind when enough is enough.

Don't let your temper mess with your life. It can cause chaos as well as disease. Get it? Dis ease means you're not at ease. Stay away from toxic people. Some people aren't worth your time if they make you feel bad or put down. Appreciate their different parts from you but separate yourself from the jerks that jerk your chain.

That includes you dog. If you dog has a habit you can't stand, get in his face and block him from doing it. It might take fifty times because he's a dog but he will get it if you are just calm about it. If he can't get over it and you can't stand it, give him a chance at another home or go to a trainer or re-train yourself.

I couldn't stand it when Zippy hurt his front leg. He's short and when he jumped off of the bed or the couch when he got to be about nine years old, he would hurt his front leg. So I taught him to bark so I could lift him down. Sometimes it's a pain to go and get him down but it sure isn't the pain it was for me to see him limping . I always think, what if it were me? What if I were on the house and every time I jumped down, I jammed my ankles up to my arm pits? Well it didn't hurt when I was a kid. (rubber ankles?) It would hurt now. So that's what I think.

Don't watch the news too much; you'll get neurotic. Remember they are only selling air time for which the sponsors paid. Figure out the target audience by the ads.

Have fun, okay? Heck why not? It's a new week!!!!!!

Oh and buy my book: LQQK Here!

Friday, August 18, 2006

WRITER @Large with flash BLOG

I'm disgusted -- both CNN and FOX have fallen down on international news to follow a supposed killer arrested in Thailand. Of course, it's a horrible horrible murder. But then so are the deaths of the war victims, drought/famine victims, the people who died young and so on. These news channels are getting more and more like the Sun and the National Enquirer. Why? why? why? Why? Are we more and more stupid? Are we less able to hear the truth? Oh and by the way didya hear Tushi Bushi disagrees with the Judge on wiretapping? Un-huh? Who makes the laws? Who interprets the laws?

I am suffering from NES -- night eating syndrome. And so is Zippy. We're going to have to tie the fridge door shut and padlock it.

Viva la Resolution! Solve the Conflict! Negotiate the Truth!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

WRITER @Large with flash BLOG

We hear a lot about terrorists and that sort of thing. I wonder have they heard of the Kevorkian Death Squads? People over seventy with a terminal disease are infiltrating such camps in hopes of stopping the wars. They are the mothers and fathers of the warriors that are fighting. They mostly just want the world to be a safe place, for everyone to play nice and take turns. They don't care if there's religious difference or a color difference and they certainly don't care about a sexual preference. These wild hood better look out because when the Kevorkian Death Squads show up, there will be hell on earth and hell to pay. The mission of this group is to stop people from acting like spoiled brats and smarty pants know-it-alls. And they aren't afraid to take their cause to the limit. See that the word gets around, Faux and SEEENDEND TV.

Bush and Quayle shood link up just because of their names.

Bin Laden should talk to the dahlia Lama.

Unmarried mothers should try marriage with the fathers of their kids.

Allergy medicine is for people with allergies.

Plastic never goes away. Think how much we use.

Which would you rather have more of, water or air?

When worst comes to worst, which would you rather eat, root vegetables or insects?

Would you plan a holiday if there weren't a designated one? SO DO IT before SUMMER ends.

Give your dog ice water on a hot day. And don't dress him up. Too hot. If you dress up your dog in hot clothes, he will force you to sleep next to him the next hot night in K9 revenge.

Get a low cost hobby. Help some one out. Remember friends.
Pick up after yourself. Eat ice cream. Give the dog vanilla.

Okay so much for my advice. Do what you want. But I'll know. Even if no one else does.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

this is an audio post - click to play

Hi! I'm sure that you all remember last year when I had a detached retina in the left eye. This year, almost to the date, I had a cataract develop on the injured eye. I'm now recovered from that. I have learned that a cataract is common to grow over the lens of eye that sustains a retina detachment. I was lucky and had good surgeons both times. Needless to say, I gave them copies of my books. But also I have hit a milestone. I have found two of my books in a second hand book store. I believe that there is some kind of award for being so well known as a writer that you find your own books in a second hand book store.

Zippy is still a puppy. I know the dog whisperer would NOT like this, but Zippy thinks its fun to hold a dog cookie in his mouth and growl. If my hubby acts like he's going to take it, Zippy growls and chews it up. Dogs are as smart as we think they are, right?

What about the last news? Do you feel like you're living a movie yet? I do -- a TV show - THE SURREAL Life! AL Kiddeo sending jelly glogs across the sea? Is it possible? Why would they do that? I think we should not give them so much press. Remember when outlaws were scorned? Shunned? Ignored! It's past time for that -- but we do need to have a strong defense and security system that works.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

WRITER @Large with flash BLOG

James Horrox

In the introduction to the first post-9/11 National Security Strategy released by the White House in the Autumn of 2001, before going on to describe a policy agenda of violence, hatred and perpetual war, Bush made it eminently clear that under his regime “as a matter of common sense and self-defence, America will act against . . . emerging threats before they are fully formed.” This is of course an underpinning theme of the “Project for a New American Century” (PNAC)'s longstanding viewpoint on strategy, but as one writer presciently pointed out, “one problem with this view lies in the risk of a government manufacturing a case for a pre-emptive war when it actually has other motives for going to war.”

He has said it so much better than I ever could. Peace to you.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

WRITER @Large with flash BLOG

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Don't you feel sorry for the people in the mideast? What a tragedy! This war is against many for a few -- that's not democracy. Or is it? Does democracy only relate to the democrats? And are the republicans really for the republic? So then do they know about separation of church and state? What is better, an unwanted baby or the morning after pill? What about people who get high or drunk and make it with someone they hardly know? Who gets the baby? Do you have any idea how many babies are up for adoption world-wide? And if they are older? You know what happens to them. Everyone loves a cute little baby but guess what they grow up? Kids take money, time, love and sacrifice in order to grow up to be worthwhile adults.

I think Mel Gibson should marry that Coppel woman and be a big-a-mist than he already is. He's a joke; there was all that stuff about his anti-Semitic father, the incidences in The Passion of the Christ and now this. Hmmm? Back to Thunderdrome, Smelly Melly.

Also, what is wrong with Tushi Busi that he doesn't have "Christian sympathy and empathy for those Lebanese who lost children in a misguide (?) rocket? At least he should have enough brains to say that he regrets that horrible event. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one, here, there and everywhere. Doesn't yours?

Peace starts with you and me. Spend a moment just making yourself feel at peace. At peace with yourself and with your world. Tell yourself (and I will tell myself) that you are a peaceful person and you want to spread the thought of peace. Affirm that thought and it will come into being.

Kidlink No More War