Thursday, August 10, 2006

Hi! I'm sure that you all remember last year when I had a detached retina in the left eye. This year, almost to the date, I had a cataract develop on the injured eye. I'm now recovered from that. I have learned that a cataract is common to grow over the lens of eye that sustains a retina detachment. I was lucky and had good surgeons both times. Needless to say, I gave them copies of my books. But also I have hit a milestone. I have found two of my books in a second hand book store. I believe that there is some kind of award for being so well known as a writer that you find your own books in a second hand book store.

Zippy is still a puppy. I know the dog whisperer would NOT like this, but Zippy thinks its fun to hold a dog cookie in his mouth and growl. If my hubby acts like he's going to take it, Zippy growls and chews it up. Dogs are as smart as we think they are, right?

What about the last news? Do you feel like you're living a movie yet? I do -- a TV show - THE SURREAL Life! AL Kiddeo sending jelly glogs across the sea? Is it possible? Why would they do that? I think we should not give them so much press. Remember when outlaws were scorned? Shunned? Ignored! It's past time for that -- but we do need to have a strong defense and security system that works.