Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I've been to London and to Faringdon. I've been to Winsor Castle and Stonehenge.

I've had Christmas.

The Zippy dog got a lamb (dog type toy) for Christmas but he hates it. I'll have to cozy it in my boot so it's got a proper smell to it.
I've written six stories and been whooping it up with friends and family.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Curtain Falls
RD Larson

Slowly as the lights came up, the woman in center stage began to move, her arms a white as the necks of swans. Her breasts swung free and her triangle of dark hair gave the viewer pause. From the dusty floor, she rose first to her knees, her hair falling backward over her buttocks as she leaned toward the red velvet curtain that covered backstage.

The black hair glistened like dark wings of a nighthawk. Her eyes stayed closed, hearing some silent music as she swayed rhythmically forward and backward. Then her legs split and she slid backwards, slowly drawing up her knees to make a peak, her thighs meeting in the center to hide her private self.

She bared her teeth as she rolled over and up into a crouch to face the nearly empty theater. Her eyes flew open. Their black depths glared with madness and fear. As she whirled to her feet, she began to spin in slow circles.

The woman spun faster and faster while the man in the heavy coat watched. Twirling as though she were a flame drawn up by a draft, the woman’s hair spun out free. A black wave of wonder that concealed and revealed much. Faster she spun. Faster still.

As the shot rang out, the woman was already falling into the orchestra pit. As she landed her hands reached the piano, and in a single movement fired the .38 straight into the face of her tormentor.

Sunday, December 4, 2005

Sumerian Language, Mesopotamia, Fertile Crescent

There is much to know and learn about Iraq -- when you look at the television and see the war, remember that picture writing was invented in Mesopotamia 7000 years ago. There is an ancient history here and worth great respect.
To learn more go to

Boots in Bagdad You will want to read the blog of this brave young soldier. He may be going back. Another view from a soldier we admire and love.

Zippy doggie splash:

I had a bad moment at the market today. A big truck pulled in next to us. Little Zippy checked it out; he wants a truck to ride in. There was a strawberry blond in the driver’s seat. Before I could tell him it was a woman, he decided it was a golden retriever and went bananas. Imagine how red his little face was when she got out and shook a finger at him.

“Your little dog has a big bark. My my,” she told me. Or told me something like that. I had to give him an Altoid to make him forget her. Dang!

READ Lad Moore's blog

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

RDLarson'sHomesite new and improved