Saturday, November 26, 2005

I'd be the first to say Anderson Cooper is innovator and an exciting news reporter. As long as he doesn't color the news with his opinion. He certainly isn't a Talking Head. He does have strong feelings and isn't afraid to show them. Well, then FOX anchors do it so I guess that's right if CNN does it. And if that's what the American public wants. But where is the impartial voices we used to hear? I felt sure Aron Brown would disappear when he got paired too long with Cooper after Katrina. After four years I'd gotten use to him. It's okay. I can change. I just don't want the idea of impartial news reporting to change. I'm worried though. It SEEMS to be changing. Can we be manipulated, coached and shuffled by the media? Yeah, if we don't pay attention.

Zippy hurt his leg and is limping around. I think it's a sprain. Too much football watching, I think. He did well by the turkey. He's so much smarter than we others -- he only eats as much as he needs. He doesn't mind not clearing his plate. I had a dog once who ate walnuts that fell off the tree. He got very wide and very tired.

I also was a kid who ate until I was sick.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.
