Saturday, August 20, 2005

RDLarson Writer -- my website

I had a great evening. I watched Herman Wouk on the University Channel talking about his books. It was from 2001 but he had so much to say. He said that 'Marjorie Morningstar' was one of his favorites. I loved that book when I was a teen. It's about a Jewish actor and the wealthy girl who loves him. Wouk also wrote "The Caine Muntiny" and "War and Remembrance." Many years ago he was going to dedicate a redwood grove in a state park in California. I wanted to hear him speak but couldn't. Tonight made it all up to me. He's a wonderful writer, a Pulitzer Prize winner for Caine Mutiny. Go here and learn about him. Read some of his books and more information.

AND BECAUSE OF THE REVIEW on that terrific writer

Laura Hird's Site


I saw the DVD SIN CITY. I completely enjoyed it. The graphics are startling and new. It fairly runs into you. With different stories, interlinking characters and great scenes you can't miss with this one if you like visual adventure, thriller, mystery flicks. Frank Miller is a great graphic artist and the way the movie is put together is half-comic book and half-noir film. It was great. I laughed a lot. Powers Booth plays a Senator. One of is line goes sort of like this, "Money and power doesn't win it for you. Lies win. If you can make people believe in their hearts that your lie is true and that it is true for them you can control everything."