Friday, October 21, 2005

Looks like Tushi Bushi is getting all heated up. First the Toid Blossom don't smell so good. And Oh-de-lay-la-delay-de-la is in court, crying foul. And of course there's Harriet.
More at

And where is Wary Kerry? If he'd been elected, would he be so silent now? Howard HardeeHarHar is still worried bad press will bite him again. It isn't over -- court report. More at

Tell me, do you think a video camera is on you every day and every night? No. Well, then you are not a celebrity or a politician. But if you drive or go to malls or to the Post Office, you may be on TV. As they(who?) say, if you're not guilty what have you got to worry about?

Zippy smiles sometimes. He pokes his nose up in the air and just grins at me. He's a good dog, you know -- my dog companion. He's not exactly Puffy Combs but he likes his football sweatshirt. His hair is so short that he gets cold. Then of course there are doggie fashions -- LOOK here

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.