Sunday, September 24, 2006

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Why is this war being turned into a religious war? It's not right and it should never be right. Fanatics here and there are choosing sides. Supposed Christians are supporting 'torture'? I don't think that makes sense. If Iran has nuclear weapons, what does Israel have? Why is Tushi Bushi being called hate names? Could he be wrong?
For five years we've had to live with escalation of rhetoric and threats.

Do you think this is right? What? Has everybody gone nuts? Why aren't you complaining? Texas has oil. So think about how all of this might fit? Do you think we are one-celled entities in God's bloodstream? Flowing to where we are going? Or do we have a voice, a will? So many people are not committing themselves to a political point of view. It's almost as if they are afraid. And THAT is scary, really scary.

Turn this in your mind. Thought and speech and comprehension develop us. It keeps us alive. What if we can think when we're dead, an energy spark of thought? Better use it.

Some American people are pretty trashy. They say anything and do anything. No wonder other nations think we're clowns or worse. Understanding and consideration of others can go along way to negotiate peace.

Feel your passion, think your own thoughts and vote your heart in the coming election.

Have you been to Go and find something to read there.

I wish you enough of all that you need. But most of all I wish you love and strength.