Tuesday, June 13, 2006

WRITER @Large with flash BLOG

my website

Tushi Bushi is sure trying to garner votes for the Republicans in November. It's too late; everyone knows he's a liar and a failure. Gore, Hillary, and Edwards better get off their cans and make some sense. Who is going to lead this country.

I got a kick out of Tushi making eye contact with the Iraqi PM. I could see him using two fingers indicating "look me in the eye!" Whaddy expect showing up unannounced? But I can see why, even if it's a BE AMERICA PLAN!

The thing is they don't want to be US.

Zippy is getting gray and I am sad. I just read a story by Lad Moore on his site about his dog, Quigley. READ Here
I want another dog. What if something happens to Zippy as it will no doubt someday. When Max died I didn't get a dog for two years, the only time in my life that I didn't have a dog. I still miss Max.

Fiction flash:

Her eyes opened wide and so did her mouth. As her tongue reached for her pink ice cream cone her eyes closed and the magic coldness filled her mouth.

The rough boy from next door ran up to her. "Give me your cone. I want it."

"No," she said turning away. She wanted to eat it slowly and enjoy every bite. Her collie sat at her side.

When Robbie reached for the cone, Daisy growled. Robbie paused. "She doesn't bite does she?"

"Maybe, if she thinks somebody's hurting me."

"Have your old ice cream. I hate strawberry anyway." Robbie ran off in search of other prey.

Daisy and the little girl smiled at each other. Then they both took a lick of the melting pink delight.

I think it's wrong for the media to call the Pitt-Jolie baby the second coming.