School is about to start or has already started. Learning should be a life-long pleasure. I've been learning about the Battle of Britian, Aug. 1940 - Oct. 1940. I wrote a story called "The Red Pail" which I'm sure you've read or you can read it at Footsteps to Oxford.
If you look at the statistics above and compare the US to other countries, it's pretty interesting. When you're a kid in school, you don't want to be there. It's just as important, though, as parents and teachers say.
School is more than school because it gives children a chance to learn how to think, how to make critical decisions and to make choices. Grown-ups need to learn as well. Even older people can learn new and different things.
Don't let me hear you say "I never read a newspaper. I watch the news." Guess what? One soundbyte does't completely tell the whole story. Look for yourself. Go to the library. I bet there is a book or a magazine that you would like. Search the Internet. Look up sea turtles,
Crème Brulé or Dutch Masters. See where it gets you? Did you know there are museums online?
Okay enough from me. Zippy did something so cute today. He was in the yard with me and actually smelled a flower. And he ate cabbage. How's that for versitile for a doggie that is a rescue pet and a bossy little guy?