SPLASH/FLASH: Zippy worries about me. So I took him with me to the doctor’s today for the CHECKUP. It’s a long drive with doggie stops and many things for him to inspect. His smeller is very good. He often says, “Hey, you had chicken? Where’s my bite?” And of course I kept a bite or two for him. He rants at other BIG dogs, snubs babies and likes (to a degree of chilli) other small dogs. But he doesn’t want anyone to mess with me. Sometimes when people greet me or help me all heck breaks loose. For a little dog he’s got the bark of the Baskervilles. I find myself sitting in the darkened doctors office, my left eye dilated, when I hear “bump, bump” and my good eye looks at the window. There’s Zippy -- all four paws on the glass, his nose and tongue squished up all wet with a loopy look on his face. He shouts, “Hey, guess what YOU left me in the car. It’s okay, a nice lady let me out. Let me in. Hey, RD, let me . . .”
I don’t want to get kicked out before the doctor has his say so I pull up the blind, pry off the screen and pull Zippy into the room. I can’t see too well but he doesn’t notice when I sit him in the chair. I close the window and I put down the shade. Forgot the screen. You would too if you’d barely got back to the chair when the door opened. Imagine the doctor’s surprise to look into a perfectly fine doggie eye.
“Is this Zippy the Adventure dog? Did he come by way of that big purse of yours?”
I shake my head, no. “Transported by Spock.”
“Oh, well, if it’s okay with Dr. Spock it must be okay for him to be here.”
I didn’t try to explain that I meant the Spock from Star Trek and not the baby doctor Spock.
Zippy is pleased to tell you that my eye is improving.
SLASH: If Tushi Bushi keeps saying “my people this” and “my people that” I will not be happy. I don’t think he owns any people and if he did, he’d get in big trouble. He might have to write an essay on position being 9/10 of the law. But maybe Wonder knows about that better. But it’s sort of stuck up of him to act that way, I think. Even coaches say “OUR team” not “my team” because it sounds better. On second thought, maybe Tushi says “my” because it’s like you and I would say “my dog” or “my cat” as an expression of love and affection. Terms of endearment?