ligulae my sci-fi at Bewildering Stories
fiction flash- here's a quote from Bewildering Stories about my latest sci-fi
Gentlemen, you must observe all the niceties of etiquette and good manners in courting a proper lady. Take liberties like an octopus with Mary Beth and you’re fertilizer: R D Larson, Ligulae.
political slash: Tushi Bushi seems to be shoving whatever he wants down the throats of good citizens, even those who agree with him. Sure, but how does he know we won't bolt on our complaint faces and oust him from the Blank House?
Doggie Splash: Dog swam from Alcatraz Island to SF and won a medal. Now he's a famous newshound paid in scrambled eggs. Jake
I guess my eye is better. Still hurts. Not allowed to do much. It could burst my bubble and I'd be left side blind. No, not that so I'm being good.