I thought I would tell you about this torn retina problem. It’s healing but it’s still somewhat scary. I’m not complaining, honestly. I’m lucky that surgery repaired it and I think I’ll get my sight in the left eye back in 3 to 6 weeks.
I’ve learned a lot. I feel much more for blind people or nearly blind a lot more now. Although when G. got Macular Degeneration, I felt very sad for her as the sight in the center of her eye disappeared slowly outward until everything seemed like a wavy shadow and light world. She would say that she say she SAW so much better when the sun was bright.
The sight in my left eye is so blurry and underwater-like so that I can’t recognize anything. Consequently, I have near misses with doors and cupboards. My depth perception is off and so I’m more awkward. Maybe even trip more. The ground doesn’t appear to be any one level using both eyes. In addition, since I don’t want to pop the gas bubble that is keeping my retina in place, I try not to have any jarring, jerking, or sudden events.
Frankly, when I first got spots before my eyes, like floaters, I laughed it off. “Oh, well, I got two; no problem?”
That’s the kind of person I am. Sometimes things just happen. I blow off stuff. That’s what you do when you haven’t had a healthy life. I can’t stand pity. Makes it worse somehow.
I’ve found out that there’s a lot more pain than I thought I’d have. It hurts deep in my eye socket. Sometimes my teeth hurt too -- probably sympathy pains, eh? Being me, I gave up the pain pills after a few days and went for Tylenol. Guess what? It hasn’t helped much. Sleeping sitting at a 45-degree angle has its own problems. Get this; I’m at such an angle that my elbows are in the air so in addition to all this other stuff I have to sleep with my elbows on pillows.
I’ve been wearing dog vet scrubs as P’Jammers. One of the dogs has a target circle around his eye. Some one said, “Hey, that’s you.”
How do I keep from rubbing my eye when I’m asleep? Other than a tape on eye patch?
When this is all over maybe, I’ll want another dog. One with a circle around his eye.
What would Zippy think of that? He doesn’t like it when my honey is giving me four eye drops and ointment at night (and some during the day!) and barks to make a lot of noise. He thinks that stuff stings. It does. If I got another dog, Zippy would still be number one doggie pal with me.