Political slash: Tushi Bushi made goo-goo eyes at the German PM today. I saw it for myself on TV. He did NOT complement her on her intelligence or negotiating resourcefulness. Bit sexist, I thought. But what do I know?
Fiction flash: I have been seriously working on new "Friends" -- you know the Erle & Stumpy stories. And Carl if you are out there, yes, I wrote another one just for you. I'm learning a lot. It's a much more complicated book than anything else I have written.
Doggie splash: Zippy went with Daddy out to the woods to visit his "spot" but the big flash light made dog shadows against the trees. Off with a bark, Zip goes. He's got arthritis and is taking medicine for it. He looks like a puppy still. Don't you think he does?
�© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.