I had a black Lab when I was a teen. His name was Candy, like licorice. He liked bacon best of anything and since I didn't he was my receiver even though he was a darn good retriever too. Of course, sometimes he went to get unwanted things. Items that he hadn't been sent to retrieve. Like when my mother had one of her hen parties -- they played Canasta, Candy thought they were making too much noise. So he brought Mama dead mouse. The ladies packed up and took off. One time when I was at school I looked out the window and Candy was sitting out there with my social studies book. Another time he took my dad's slippers and hid them in my bed. I had been sleepwalking and he was tired of going after me. Candy lived to be a wise old dog. Old enough for me to be married and have a little girl.
So aren't they the cutest?