Hept-ra runs afoul of the Vizier Akhet, and her loyalty will take her to the depths of a pyramid: R D Larson, The Pharaoh’s Official, part 1; conclusion.
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It is the tomb makers, the draftsmen, the craftsmen and the sculptors who built my tomb. I gave them beer and bread. I made them to take an oath that they were satisfied. – These are words from Kay, the priest of Khufu written at the entrance of his tomb.
Friends had whispered their fears about her husband. Was it the truth or only rumor? Hept-ra squeezed her hands together. What could she do? Mket was her husband; she had to save him. If the rumors were true, then Akhet would destroy her husband if he could. Would the old Vizier, grandson of the Pharaoh, listen to his complaints about the Recording Scribe?
Slowly, she went up the stairs to the sleeping porch on top of the mud brick house. Her husband stood gazing off over other houses of the workers. The Great Pyramid stood above them all. She could tell Mket had not slept on his bed pallet.