Sunday, November 13, 2005

tushi bushi is at it again, preacher to choir, speechifying at a base. They can't protest -- the audience would face court marshals as he is the "commanderINcheese." It makes me laugh. Who does he think he's kidding? We're all aware of the blurring of facts by now. We're all aware that he is the dummy on Charlie Chaney's lap. What IS this warhawk attitude? I thought we had the eagle as a mascot. Fuzzy twists on his speech are listed here. If you want to see the spin . . .

Of course, we can't kill all the terrorists, but does he think we can? They'll break our bank with war funds and attacks first. That is the plan, I think. They're giving high fives right now. Another billion dollars spent by the American cowboy! Yippe!

I am so sad about the bombings in Jordan. Those poor people. Wrong, wrong. Fundamentalists of any kind are out. Tunnel vision on this planet is out. We are smashing through space on a blue island. We'd better get along before the Aliens from Mars attack. Seriously, haven't we learned that working together makes the world a better place? Let's do something to help each other, not hate each other. It's wrong and it's not going to help anyone.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

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