That's me in the doggie doctor shirt.
Okay, I admit it. I got dressed up for Halloween. So what? Quit laughing! Stop that! I was a Jack Big Head. I wasn't as big as some Jack Heads. But my head was hand-crapted and handily painted. I also gave me big juicy lips and curly lashes. I smoozed with a big-footed clown, hugged pervert Jack Head and chatted with a gorgeous ski bunny Jack Head. I ate and talked with a black cat and a diva from far away India. I drank little and ate little. But I had a really good time. Halloween IS too for grown-ups. Go fly a kite, Bill Mahr!
So didya read my story at www.footstepstooxford.com YET?
© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.