I've been told that the vote and debate in the House of Congress didn't count with regard to pulling the troops out of Vietnam -- er-- Iraq. Well, yes it did because it showed that certain groups (Republican Hawks) would use any means that they could think of to smoke screen the questions and debate of "Why are we in Iraq?" More and more people know it's wrong to have gone there in the first place. Did you watch "The Crusades, the Cresent and the Cross" on the History Channel More
Both Muslims and Christians had bloody exchanges. It was a terrible time. Tushi Bushi must have an IV to his God because he sure is preaching way too much. He's now trying to nudge the Chinese into his opinion. I thought this country was about FREEDOM. Less , I realize, as these last four years drag on, that it's more about somebody trying to make us THINK what they THINK. It's not wrong to witness to others about your religion, but if they don't want to listen, then, don't be a pest. Where the heck do these FUNDAMENTALISTS think they are doing? Read about MURTHA -- He's a real hero and not a sissy. I hate to think of the smear that he's getting and the reasons behind why it is happening. As rights are being eroded, Tushi is out claiming freedom rights for other countries. Who made him our CHEER LEADER for THAT? He's the CommanderINCheese; not the Dahli Llama. What crap he spouts along with his smirks and tired old lines. It will not be pounded in to my mind. Don't be empty vessel with only so-called self-made prophits proselityzing to you. Think about how it would be to be the other person. Work for negotiation and compatibility. Live and let live.
Enough of my soapbox:
Are you ready for Christmas? Me either. Ready for Thanksgiving? Me either. I usually start early, but somehow not this year. Zippy had two hamburger patties from Wendy's a couple of days ago. He's so smart; he ate one and saved the other for later. He's still very protective of me when I'm asleep. But his barking wakes me up. He hears gnats walking on the roof and raises a cry to defend me.
© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.