Memorial Day
When we remember all the soldiers who fought so that this country could be free, it make all of us humble and grateful. From the Revolutionary War at the beginning of this country until today in Iraq, these men and women are heroes to us as they do their duty. I honor my grandfather, father, husband and nephew all who served in the Armed Forces. Those who died are honored every day. Each day I am glad I was born in a land that had free elections, free speech and freedom to pursue happiness. No matter who you are or what you are doing this memorial day, please take time to honor the war dead and the war living! No matter what your political belief is, if you don't believe in the principals that made this country strong, you are lucky to live here. And you need to read the Bill of Rights! We must do what we can in support of our soldiers and their sense of duty. May they forever be honored!
The Bill of Rights Amendments
The Constitution of the United States