http://www.RDLarson.com My Web Site
http://www.kenseamedia.com/rdlarson My Reader Site! Please sign my guest boo!
I'm busy working on book four, with more of the lives of Erle and Stumpy. If you want to read a sci-fi story I wrote checkout Bewildering Stories at www.bewilderingstories.com
Also you can find an essay at www.usless_knowledge.com about politics
We're considering another dog, a female as a companion for dear Zippy, or maybe it's a companion for one or the other of us. Even a dog as long as Zippy is hard to share from across the room. If we do get a dog, I want to call her "Missus" and then of course she'll be Missus Zippy.
He has been helping me garden. He observes the woods for bear and beast whilst I potter about with poppies and such. He thinks I am careless because I can't smell it when people are near or animals for that matter either. Not only that I don't seem to hear as well as he does. He tries so hard to hear that his ears are bald. Or maybe it is from wearing a hat-- no, wait, I mean from getting them rubbed.
So if you don't see any changes on here for awhile remember I'm working on my new book. Please consider buying Evil Angel if you're old enough and if not, Mama Tried to Raise a Lady. If you're religious try Saving Reverend Clayton.