Tushi Bushi and his Stepforward are so kindly acting the part of the beneficent royals to the Katrina victims that I'm gagging. This dude kept reading to kids after reports on 9/11 so I'm wondering how many report did he get about the people in the Superdome? He cut short his vacation on TUESDAY. Jamie McIntyre asked old Rumy straight away today at the newsconference why couldn't helicopters drop water and food at the Superdome/Convention Center? The darling old BS artist said with a clear brow that the few helicopters available were saving people from the flood waters. So who do you think will take the fall for the Tushi & Company in the next few days? My bet is on FEMA Director and NO Mayor and LA Gov'nor. Did you hear the pain in Nagin's voice when he asked for help? Today Gen-of-Press-OPs said the Federal Government could not come in until asked. WHAT? Well, gol-a-muddy, they were asking. Duh! I actually heard them say, "We saw it on the news then we realyzed there was a problem." By the time it was on the news (CNN, FOX) there were people in bad shape. Try this on. It's 90 degrees and 80% humidity and you're surround by water and enclosed with thousands of other sweaty hot tired scared people and you can't get a drink of water, something to eat or go to the bathroom? This is a crime of huge preportions and I hope lots of people see that something has to change
Thinking of Bush: Christian Science Monitor
Time Line of Hurricane Events from The New York Times.
Airlift from Texas on hold as tide of refugees slows
© by RD Larson 2005