Well, now Tushi Bushi is going to every MILITARY place (SEVEN TIMES now) he can to show how he cares and how itÂ?s better now. Too bad, he keeps going to MILITARY places but he knows he is Master and Commander of this side of the world. Those grunts who oppose him could be court marshaled. What ever happened to the soldier who complained about the lack of equipment in IRAQ?
Fiction Flash: (sort of)

Doggie Splash:
YaÂ? know what? No matter how tired, sick, or bad I am. My dog Zippy loves me. HeÂ?s not to crazy about anyone else, but thatÂ?s okay Â?cause he loves me. He may be bad-tempered and snarly with anyone else. Just never with me. He rubs his head on me and I pet him. Then we both feel better. ItÂ?s sort of like the RE-LOAD BUTTON on the browser.
C U L8R. Come again.
© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.