Repeat of a favorite:
Zippy and Half-Blood Princess
RD Larson
Did I mention that Zippy is a true American? He’s from all kinds of places. Who knows anymore from where his ancestors emigrated? Mostly, we’ve heard that he’s got roots in Germany and Mexico. That makes him Chowwa-Weiner.
Zippy, asleep in the back seat of my car with the windows open , was enjoying a nice little breeze off the water. I couldn’t see him until I opened the door. Blinded by the shocking sunlight, I blinked. Fast as he is, he leapt to the seat I was trying to sit. Gawking around me he noticed a man walking his dog up the street right by the car.
He went crazy. Bananas! Bonzo! Wild! Zippy met another woman this weekend. A Chowwa-Pug in town from the BIG City was strolling our little street.
“No, Princess. No.” The man dropped his elastic lead in panic as the darling little miss ran for the open door. Like an eel and not a husky pug, she jumped into the seat - - MY SEAT -- Zippy, of course, exchanged numbers, aliases and previous entanglements with her in a few blistering doggie seconds. Her man companion felt I wanted her to come with me and although we both tried to get her out of the car, it was in vain.
Since it was a warm day, we took our doggies for a walk to the ICE CREAM spot where they shared a vanilla cone and we two humans had our own cones. I had a mocha almond fudge and he had a strawberry. As we sat on a nearby bench we talked about our beloved pets. The dogs smelled and nuzzled. I have to admit I was a bit taken back when he gave Princess loving doggie kisses.
Feeling green, I swallowed the end of my cone. IMMEDIATELY, two little buggy eyes turned to look at me, as if to say, “Mom, YOU ate my cone tip? That’s the best part!”
I felt so bad that I took him up on my lap. The man took Princess and went home to his life in the city. Of course, I had to have another cone so Zippy could have the tip. A generous tip of a vanilla cone. Not my favorite.
© by RD Larson 2005