Will you watch or are you watching it? Is it too real for you? Is it going to honor the soldiers serving there? I'm betting the general answer is going to be YES. The show will entertain us with something that is more real than we see on the news because it's going to be shown as a "television show" and therefor fiction.
I keep asking myself if my mate was over there and I watched "Over There" would I be struck dumb with fear? And what if tender little kids already worried about parents in Iraq happen to see it and hear it? Or hear others talking about it? Read the above article for good information.
So then go here http://www.grolier.com/wwii/movies/movies.html
to find out about WW II movies.
Then go here and read a story by a man who drove a tank during the war. His name is Will Gray and he writes great stories about that time. Here is a story he wrote about nearly dying http://www.bewrite.net/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2373
There are a few mild swearwords so it's not for young children but it is a good account.
Thanks to http://geekphilosopher.com/MainPage/bkgIraqiWar.htm
for the photo.
Remember no matter how you feel about the war, those are OUR soldiers OVER THERE and they deserve our love and our respect and understanding.