Friday, July 22, 2005

Friday, Friday, Friday The weekend starts

Weekend almost. Almost. I love weekends. It's like the world takes a rest. Of course it doesn't but it FEELS like it. Most fun happens on the weekend. Ya know what I mean?

I want to go to the beach or the mountains or a park or a walk in town or garage sale or to hear a band or to eat ice cream. (I know that is a way long run-on sentence.) (I KNOW IT.) The things we eat during the week -- good for you stuff like fruit and veggies and salad -- kind of make way for burgers and pizza.

I like being outside. Do you ever think how LUCKY we are to have this big blue world with all its seas and trees and animals? I am. In fact I am sentimental about it. Don't tell anybody about this. I want everybody to think I'm hard-nosed and KEWL.

I'm not though. We should take better care of our world, don't you think? Little stuff like not throw cans out the car window? Recycle. Save. Reuse. Our blue world is really a big island. There is only so many resources. Let's take care of it. Let's promise ourselves to do better with our world home island.

See ya later, RD