The US election is getting close. I hope everyone who is eligible votes. I hope if anyone thinks there's a problem with voting that it's reported. Don't let anyone or anything tell you how to vote. We have to believe in the basic good of our fellow Americans and to believe that they will not sleep through this election. In my opinion as you all know I think there should be a rout of the clout-ers. The end of the reign and the end of the double deals and especially an end to the lies. Think about the facts -- the provable facts -- and act on them.
I think Wary Mary mishap's when he/she/it implied that dummies end up in Iraq. Bonehead can't get past the previously big event in his life. Don't go there.
Anyone with an ounce of sense knows that he meant Tushi but so what it came out danged crappy? And then he flayed
*(flay? /fle?/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[fley] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
Â?verb (used with object)
1. to strip off the skin or outer covering of.
2. to criticize or scold with scathing severity.
3. to deprive or strip of money or property.
himself by not coming around with a decent apology. Bah.
Let's look for the good, the bright and the true.
Poor Zippy. He's got a tumor on his leg and on his chest in his armpit. May have to have them taken off.
Read about it here: http://www.dogfocused.com/dog-health/
A good all around site.
Fiction flash:
What would you think if I told you there were giant green amoebas lurking in the dark? Would you believe me? Read my story not about amoebas but bony ghosts at Bewildering Stories.