WRITER @Large with flash BLOG
retirw nosraL DR.rohtua eht yb seirots dna skoob ,noitamrofni serutaef hcihw nosraL DR retirw eht ot detacided etis A
Don't you feel sorry for the people in the mideast? What a tragedy! This war is against many for a few -- that's not democracy. Or is it? Does democracy only relate to the democrats? And are the republicans really for the republic? So then do they know about separation of church and state? What is better, an unwanted baby or the morning after pill? What about people who get high or drunk and make it with someone they hardly know? Who gets the baby? Do you have any idea how many babies are up for adoption world-wide? And if they are older? You know what happens to them. Everyone loves a cute little baby but guess what they grow up? Kids take money, time, love and sacrifice in order to grow up to be worthwhile adults.
I think Mel Gibson should marry that Coppel woman and be a big-a-mist than he already is. He's a joke; there was all that stuff about his anti-Semitic father, the incidences in The Passion of the Christ and now this. Hmmm? Back to Thunderdrome, Smelly Melly.
Also, what is wrong with Tushi Busi that he doesn't have "Christian sympathy and empathy for those Lebanese who lost children in a misguide (?) rocket? At least he should have enough brains to say that he regrets that horrible event. My heart goes out to everyone who has lost a loved one, here, there and everywhere. Doesn't yours?
Peace starts with you and me. Spend a moment just making yourself feel at peace. At peace with yourself and with your world. Tell yourself (and I will tell myself) that you are a peaceful person and you want to spread the thought of peace. Affirm that thought and it will come into being.
Kidlink No More War