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Political slash: Tushi Bushi is still lying but does he know it? Do those in the KNOW tell him the truth? This is getting really strange. See my article at www.useless_knowledge.com to learn more.
Fiction flash: The man looked up at the lighted window on the second floor. He wanted to be there, be with the woman that lived there. She had thrown him out for being lazy. He tried to find a job but either he couldn't find one or he couldn't fit one. Maybe he looked to old. He could still work, work hard. Why didn't she understand? She made a lot of money. She didn't need any more money. Well, she wouldn't need any more money if she just didn't buy everything she wanted, he complained to himself.
He hitched his jeans up. He was tired of standing on them. Ever since he had lost that weight his clothes just dang hung on him. Maybe he was old. He felt old.
He wavered between going to the door and going back to the down town. He finally went around to the garden shed. He lay down on the cement floor and covered himself with burlap bags the gardener had stored there. He mumbled to himself that it was his house too.
He pictured his wife, her hair curling around her face, that sprinkle of freckles across her nose. She had loved him. He know she'd loved him once. What happened? As he tried to imagine his crime, he fell asleep, not knowing the answer.
Doggie Splash:There is now dog litter boxes and I heard of a Jack Russell who has learned to use it. No point in training Zippy. He has favorite grass and even a favorite rock. But it's an idea if you have a puppy.