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Tushi Bushi is at it again. He's the DECIDER? It's NOT even a word.
See the dictionary: http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=decider!
What a load of bull this guy is! Doesn't he know that we are the country and we are the deciders. Guess how many blue states there will be in the coming years? All or just most. I bet the Elephants are kicking their own hind-ends at having such a liar, screw-up and dope for their Chef.
Decide for your self. And remember separated of church and state! This is where things get sticky but you know it is the only way for many peoples and religions and ideas to succeed!
And adopt an animal from the Humane Society if you can. You will have done something good.
My dog is getting fat. I have him on a diet. Rolly Polly Zippy! And he doesn't like it! NO doggie cookies. Well, NOT all the time!