*This is a thoroughly entertaining book which I enjoyed for the strangest reasons. I knew from the title something was ‘a foot’ with Rev Clayton and I guessed it might be money for church funds. I was half-correct. But the writers Larson and Ulmer didn’t leave it like that; they dug deep and built in interest, sympathy and, best of all, a character. Reverend Clayton. As a reader wait till you get introduced to him. Every turn of the page brings adventure with the hint of more to come. I kept wondering what would happen next. Something always did. All the time. And that’s good for me because I like to be entertained. At the end of the book I couldn’t help but wish for a sequel. I think this is a great one which can be passed around family and friends to enjoy. Pity it wasn’t chapter one in the start of a novel. I shall write and say so to the authors.
Cleveland W. Gibson
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Saving Reverend Clayton
Political Slash:
Coach Coats for Harriet -- who is he?
If Zippy gets married will she be Mizzez Zippy? And what kind of marriage state would that be?
© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.