Sunday, October 30, 2005


© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.


Friday, October 28, 2005

Harriet will no longer be Blinged by me. Gone. (sort of) um -- Good.

It has been a rather good day. Newsworthy.

More stuff. I don't know how accurate this is but it makes great reading

So what do you think will happen next? I bet there's a score of books being planned this very minute. But not by me.

I have a bad photo Zippy in his Halloween Costume. I will try for a better one but he's camera shy.

I was a popcorn box last year. Inventive, huh? And not scary.

Soon. . . . soon. . . my scary Halloween page link.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Do you know how to treat an assistance dog and its human companion? Here's an article to help.

To learn more about assistance dogs, go to
to learn about Assistance Dogs International.

I'm Zippy's assistance companion; when he can't jump up I give him a lift. It's hard sometimes to jump up three times your height.

© 2005 by RD Larson
May not be used without permission of the author.


Friday, October 21, 2005

Looks like Tushi Bushi is getting all heated up. First the Toid Blossom don't smell so good. And Oh-de-lay-la-delay-de-la is in court, crying foul. And of course there's Harriet.
More at

And where is Wary Kerry? If he'd been elected, would he be so silent now? Howard HardeeHarHar is still worried bad press will bite him again. It isn't over -- court report. More at

Tell me, do you think a video camera is on you every day and every night? No. Well, then you are not a celebrity or a politician. But if you drive or go to malls or to the Post Office, you may be on TV. As they(who?) say, if you're not guilty what have you got to worry about?

Zippy smiles sometimes. He pokes his nose up in the air and just grins at me. He's a good dog, you know -- my dog companion. He's not exactly Puffy Combs but he likes his football sweatshirt. His hair is so short that he gets cold. Then of course there are doggie fashions -- LOOK here

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Geoffrey Fox Literature & Society

Sometimes I just know that my writing scampers by as entertainment. Sometimes I don't.

Read Geof Fox. Often. He's articulate, humane, and sensitive. You could learn something about yourself and about what we all have in common. He's the "real deal." Even his fiction is coherent and cognizant of life. We should be thankful that his blog is there for us. He is reason and power in words

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Interview

Your Pet's Name:Zippy

Gender: Male

Breed: Chew-wiener - dachshund & Chihuahua

Weight: 12 lb

Color/Eye Color: black and tan, black eyes

Special Markings: Zippy isbow-legged. In another life he played the violin, thinking it was cello.

Date of Birth [or approximate age, if not known]: 7 years and we gave him September 3 as a birthday.

Siblings or other pets in your household: 2 older human sibs not at home and of course, the fictional giggly party girl Floozy (see above)(next to Zippy)

Human Roommates: parents Hubby and RD

How did you acquire your pet? K-Mart parking lot

What is your pet'?s favorite food? Ice cream -- he gets it down at the dock from the ice cream diner. Little Caesar meals when he watches HBO's Rome

Favorite pastime or activity?
Zippy loves laying in the sun and picking fights with bigger dogs. He also forces me to walk and walk. He coaches me when I use the treadmill. Of course, he snacks on a dog cookie while he does this. Unfair! He never gains an ounce.

Favorite person? me always me

Favorite sibling or other pet? Daddy

Favorite holiday? Halloween; then April Fool's Day

What is the funniest thing your pet has ever done?
He hates snails and toadstools. In his travels he makes detours around them. Once in a great while he misses and steps on a snail. Yucky POO! He cries and hops on three legs too.

How does your pet communicate with you?

Growls, hums, barks, stares,tail wags fast or slow, leads by example, shows, sniffs, uses tools to indicate preferences, like getting coat to go for a ride, and his most tender for of communication is that he rubs heads with friends and family.

Do you have any nicknames for your pet? sweetiepie, f*rtburger, smoochie

Has your pet ever given you a reality check? A life lesson, or moment of truth? If so, what did you learn?

I learned from Zippy that animals deserve to have more rights -- if he doesn't want to be touched I respect that. If he's cranky, I try to cheer him up. When he watches scary television he gets under the blanket so we don't watch horror movies together in the same room any more. He thinks i's bad for me so I don't watch too often. He makes me feel wanted because he always suspects people of trying to kidnap me. He knows I don't shake hands because I'm a writer and barks when people try to shake hands or hug me unless I tell him it's "Okay." He sits in my office with me in his own office chair and helps me to write. He's my muse

Finally tell me something about you:

I have had a dog for all of my life except for the two years after Max, my Yorkie, died at 15. I still miss him.

Anything else you'd like to add? Thanks for asking the questions, Tanya Vece.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Why aren't you angry? The Constitution says "separation of Church and State." What is this man doing? He has brought up the religion of Harriet more than once. Her religion shouldn't matter in her judgements. He must be worried about it to keep bringing it up. Jan LaRule, chief council at Concerned Women for America, doesn't think it's right. If you want to know more, read this article in USATODAY

For every person that believes in freedom of religion, freedom of speech, separation of Church and State, the Constitution, and the very freedoms that makes a melting pot of ideas and cultures there has to be some responsibility. Don't just sit there. Write your Congress, your Senate and your President.

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

*This is a thoroughly entertaining book which I enjoyed for the strangest reasons. I knew from the title something was ‘a foot’ with Rev Clayton and I guessed it might be money for church funds. I was half-correct. But the writers Larson and Ulmer didn’t leave it like that; they dug deep and built in interest, sympathy and, best of all, a character. Reverend Clayton. As a reader wait till you get introduced to him. Every turn of the page brings adventure with the hint of more to come. I kept wondering what would happen next. Something always did. All the time. And that’s good for me because I like to be entertained. At the end of the book I couldn’t help but wish for a sequel. I think this is a great one which can be passed around family and friends to enjoy. Pity it wasn’t chapter one in the start of a novel. I shall write and say so to the authors.

Cleveland W. Gibson

Click on titleto read an execerpt and to order. Multiple formats for ebooks.

Saving Reverend Clayton

Political Slash:
Coach Coats for Harriet -- who is he?

If Zippy gets married will she be Mizzez Zippy? And what kind of marriage state would that be?

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Do you live in the UK? Want to get one of my stories? If you like science fiction, a bit of romance, and danger, this is a story you can have in you pocket, on your cell phone for only 50p each part. Well-received by readers who are asking for more, Void has gotten rave reviews.

Published AGAIN a new sci-fi to cell phone at
VOID Part 1 VOID Part 2

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Sunday, October 9, 2005

Harriet Meirs NPR




Doesn't anybody think its wrong to people the government with YOUR OWN PEOPLE? How can you have diverse opinions to consider if everyone is your "friend and close associate"?


nepotism was Word of the Day on April 8, 2001.

Source: Word of the Day


n : favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)

Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

Today, write one paragraph about the season, Fall or Halloween. Be descriptive. Be concise. Be open. (That's the hard one!)

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

Slash politics:

Tushi Bushi finally gave it a name today. And it's scary. So this is religious war because here's what he said:

And while the killers choose their victims indiscriminately, their attacks serve a clear and focused ideology, a set of beliefs and goals that are evil but not insane.

Some call this evil Islamic radicalism. Others militant jihadism.

Still, others Islamo-fascism.

Whatever it's called, this ideology is very different from the religion of Islam. This form of radicalism exploits Islam to serve a violent political vision: the establishment, by terrorism and subversion and insurgency, of a totalitarian empire that denies all political and religious freedom.

My deal is what if this pits the radical far right conservatives against the "evil Islamic Radicals" where does that leave the rest of us? Some of the middle east countries won't be able to be come "democratic" in the sense that the US is. And who says we should MAKE them? Here's Roberts attributing Hurricane Rita to Ellen while these insurgents (extremists?) are trying to kill their election and/or opponents. Read about Islamic Extremists here.
Read about Christian extremists here.

We like to think we're tolerant. But can we afford to be tolerant of behavior that destroys the unity of our country? Let's think on that.

Flash fiction: You can buy my book, Evil Angel, at and maybe it's on sale. suspense thriller set in Aspen; adult language and theme.

Splash doggie: I got Zippy a Halloween Costume and I'll post a pic of him when it's closer to the time of Halloween. Meantime, I am working on a scary webpage for all of you to use as a card to send your friends. Zippy sez, "Wundervoller Spaß! ¡Amo Halloween! Será diversión!"

Whadda ya expect from a little chow-weiner, eh?

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

One of my adult stories in Scrivener's Pen.

Only That One Place
adult language and theme

A heart could break from waiting too long

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Monday, October 3, 2005

Order Now at Fictionwise: Mama Tried to Raise a Lady

Accolades for Mama

I got my copy of Mama Stories over a week ago. every time I open my drawer to get my lingerie, I laugh, thinking of Mamma's fairy slip. I'm up to chapter 8 and believe me when I way that the Padre in 7 greatly resembles the minister that tried to convert my folks and us kids when we were pre-teenagers. Your stories are fabulous!!!! I use them (along with my peanut butter pretzels) as a lift for my spirits, one each day after listening to the awful, depressing news. Did your mom ever have a mangler? Mine did. And she too, popped buttons and managed to occasionally mangle one of dad's shirt collars. Ruth Weidig

Press Release
November 1, 2004

Mama Tried to Raise a Lady:
by RD Larson
Published by Peach Blossom Publications and
ISBN #0-914367-35-5

Submitted By Arts Editor Pamela Faye

‘Pop said his list was longer than the Pope's dress.’ From historic fiction the author RD Larson takes the reader to another era in time when country life meandered through the toils of old, forever lifting humor from the tireless tasks of the 20th century. In those days ‘Mama Tried to Raise a Lady’ … but “Baby” loved to roll in the dust with the Labrador while she imitated his scratching at fleas.

This Puget Sound author RD Larson tells a humorous tale to enthrall the imagination of all with: “I ran straight at old Billy… and Pop grabbed the rope, bull-dogging the errant goat amid hoots of laughter from the guests.”

‘Mama Tried to Raise a Lady’ will have anthology lovers seeking RD Larson’s book of short stories, only one of many by the Washington author. Amazon delivers the anthology book worldwide, from Be Write Publishing.

RD Larson’s talent for multi genre works carries through endless short stories from the author. In “Original Sin: The Seven Deadlies Come Home to Roost”, Myra was addicted to men and parties. “Malaise” one of the anthology stories from within ‘Original Sin’ was recently released through Paper Journey Press, North Carolina.

From West to East the author RD Larson is making a name for herself as a prolific writer.

For movie producers RD Larson is the author of the suspense thriller “Evil Angel”, now adapted to screenplay, and presently being delivered to movie producers as a future film production to chill the blood of movie buffs around the world. This Thriller is the story about a heavenly face with the heart of an Evil Angel. She is the beauty Terri who, “When her husband walks out on her insane jealousies and fantasies, the Evil Angel becomes real to Terri – materializing to guide her on a path of manic violence and death.”

Co-author with Louise Ulmer, RD Larson also delivers to readers, “Saving Reverend Clayton”. Through the storytelling of this novel, the gates of hell open with a searing fire igniting in the Methodist church while Myra Baynes attempts to save Reverend Wallace Ward Clayton.

RD Larson leaps from the purity of the Methodist Minister to the wages of sin, to a saucy June File, a hooker-- the client of a private eye. The characters created for “Sloppy Seconds” are as fast and loose with the law as they are with the English language. In “Sloppy Seconds” RD Larson’s creative talents take the reader on a hilarious romp through “Marion Riles ‘Soft-boiled detective stories’.”

The silly season is not to be forgotten by the author RD Larson. “Christmas at Red Dog Road” won the Washington author first prize in a short story anthology to be released from in the fall. “The Christmas Card” is another of RD’s joyous tales of Yule Tide.

In the anthology soon to be released “Mama Tried to Raise a Lady” the action becomes fast paced when Mama cries that Pop, “was meaner than cat manure and twice as nasty. She pitched another plate. It didn't break, just rolled around on the floor ending in a clatter. She'd woke the dead again! Pop blew up then! … "I'll be back when I've cooled off!" The back door slammed and, seconds later, I heard the old pickup roar down the driveway. I stayed where I was, safe under the table; after all, it wasn't my fight.” From days of old emerge timeless tales.

With this abundance of talent, RD Larson has a brilliant future as an author whose literary works will be long sought after by readers around the world.

Submitted By
Pamela Faye

© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.

Saturday, October 1, 2005

John Roberts needs to have a talk with himself.

All the death and despair this year, in Iraq and in the path of Katrina, I'm very sad. It has not been so good in my life but compared to what these folks have had happen to them, I am lucky.

Go see The Constant Gardener if you like thriller/action films. excellent. Makes me wonder about Big Business, Big pharmaceuticals Companies and Big Government.

petsMaybe people love their pets so much because people don't seem to express feeling, real feelings, the way a pet does. I don't know if people are as willing to commit for as long as they once did, not even family members. Or maybe they're too self-involved. I have always tried to keep in touch with my family, even when I was young and poor. Always called and wrote. I once met a woman who lost track of her son after he moved to Texas. At the time I was in shock. I asked her, "Did you call the police? Call his friends?" She simply looked at me and said "Someday you'll understand. They growup and go away. That's the end of it. The end of motherhood. That's when they forget you."

Anyway, Zippy is a good doggie. He just fell off the chair so he's pretty crabby right now and is getting a treat. But that's what happens when little dogs try to jump from chair to chair. He's okay thank goodness.

Oh well, good Saturday Night to you, my kind readers, one and all, and thank you for reading all my stories and buying my books and all that you do for me. And I mean it. So don't laugh