conscious thought
RD Larson
Nina always walked home from the bus stop. Even after dark. What was the use of being afraid? She couldn't afford a car. If she got robbed, the jerk wouldn't get much. She didn't even have a credit card and never had more than a few dollars. She dragged herself past the apartments and condos. Lots of customers today. All day. Her feet hurt and the new Nike's weren't as comfortable as her old ones.
I think I'll heat up some chili, when I get home, she thought. Crackers and chili. Good for a cold night.
A tingle at her hairline made her look up.
Bang! A big chunk of gray stuff hit a parked car. Some of it careened off and hit her leg. Nina dropped to the ground screaming in pain. She felt darkness closing on her lucid thoughts.
Seconds later a siren blared as it turned the corner. Two officers jumped out,
"Look at that," one of them said.
"Ruined that Ford," the second one said. "Hey, it's ice."
"From that building?"
"Maybe an airplane. Hey, that woman's hurt. Over there."
Nina's last conscious thought as she passed out, slowly scrolled across her mind, airplane piss. I'll sue 'em. Never have to work again.
211 words
Posted by Hello
RD Larson
Nina always walked home from the bus stop. Even after dark. What was the use of being afraid? She couldn't afford a car. If she got robbed, the jerk wouldn't get much. She didn't even have a credit card and never had more than a few dollars. She dragged herself past the apartments and condos. Lots of customers today. All day. Her feet hurt and the new Nike's weren't as comfortable as her old ones.
I think I'll heat up some chili, when I get home, she thought. Crackers and chili. Good for a cold night.
A tingle at her hairline made her look up.
Bang! A big chunk of gray stuff hit a parked car. Some of it careened off and hit her leg. Nina dropped to the ground screaming in pain. She felt darkness closing on her lucid thoughts.
Seconds later a siren blared as it turned the corner. Two officers jumped out,
"Look at that," one of them said.
"Ruined that Ford," the second one said. "Hey, it's ice."
"From that building?"
"Maybe an airplane. Hey, that woman's hurt. Over there."
Nina's last conscious thought as she passed out, slowly scrolled across her mind, airplane piss. I'll sue 'em. Never have to work again.
211 words

Posted by Hello