Things aren't good. Since 9/11 and everything that has happened sometimes I get depressed about the state of this country. It seems to be getting more and more divided over religion, politics and culture. Maybe I'm just looking for trouble. I hope not. We aren't safer. We aren't liked by a lot of other countries. We don't have a President that is understanding of other points of view. We don't have a Congress or Senate that listens to the middle class. Huge companies are making more money and average people are making less. Housing prices are out of site. The infrastructure of schools, medicine,government programs and law are being eroded by tunnel vision. Three million illegals cross the border and Americans don't want to have PASSPORTS. This country is about a fluid culture that grows with change. Not reverts to the old ways. Change is inevitable and we need to know that. I can't wait for 2008. I ask for a new election now.
See me in prison? Maybe. I sure hope not. This is my free speech and I have the right to say it. I support this country but I don't have to agree with certain policies that are being enacted.
���© RD Larson 2005
May not be used without permission of the author.