Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Citizen Culture

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Don't tell me there's nothing to read. Check out the magazine above; you'll need Acrobat to read in in a PDF file.

Citzen Culture The magazine for young intellectuals.

And READ Cleveland Gibson at V=http://www.laurahird.com/showcase/clevelandwgibson2

by Cleveland W. Gibson

I feel sick with excitement as I gun my trusty white steed into a frantic canter.

A curse to all Roman Emperors comes to my lips when I hear the villagers to the left and right of me chant, "JARGE! JARGE! JARGE!"

The sword, in my hand, is ready for use. I

ohOh yeah, read some of my stuff too.
www.BeWrite.net and www.footstepstooxford.com

See ya' soon, RD
nd, is ready f
or use. I

Monday, June 27, 2005

Tushi & Germany and NUKES, not Cukes?

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Tushi says today that in a Press Confrence with German Chancellor

"Q Iran has a new leader -- do you think this will alter the climate of the nuclear talks? And what's your message to the new leader?

TRANSLATOR: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Iran has a new leader. My message is -- to the Chancellor is that we continue working with Great Britain, France and Germany to send a focused, concerted, unified message that says the development of a nuclear weapon is unacceptable. And a process which would enable Iran to develop a nuclear weapon is unacceptable. And I want to again appreciate the EU 3's strong unification and message. The message hasn't changed."

Okay that's cool.

But who else has NUKES not Cukes?
Read this site: http://www.nti.org/b_aboutnti/b_index.html

Speaking of cukes? You like them? Ever try peeled and sliced cucumbers in vinagar, water and sugar with a pince of salt? Too yummy to blow up over. Cheap in calories and fat, too.

See ya, later.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Secrets Never Told

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Zippy likes watching the dragonflys. go look at some, too.

Okay so see the link above? go there and read my mystery story. Not long but more than a flash. Set in Sacramento, it is an adult-theme story of lies and murder.

Come back, hey?

Friday, June 24, 2005

Love your dog? too much or not enough?

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Zippy is a good friend. He follows me from room to room. I'm never too sure who is walking whom. Sometimes he is too agressive for hsi own good. At the post office he tried to attack a sleepy Pitbull through glass car windows. *thank goodness the window was mostly up!* I have asked him why he wants to fight but all he ever does is sort of a doggy shrug. He might not know. I want to say he is protecting me but I don't think that is it. I think he thinks I am too dumb to know a strange dog could bite me. I pet every dog that even looks like he wants me too. Of course -- oh yes -- I let them smell me first. I smell like everything dogs don't like: water, soap, and berries this time of year. I killed a rooster once by feeding him too many black berries. At least I think I did. I kept throwing them at him (the rooster, NOT Zippy) and he ran after each berry and ate. About 3 o'clock he tried to crow and fell over dead. I knew him when he was a fuzzy chick, not Zippy, the rooster. My Pop said I over fed him. Maybe all the seeds got stuck in his craw. Anyway Zippy is way smarter than I am. He never overeats. Not ever. Well, see you later, and come back okay.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

flash fiction, political comments, and dog stuff

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So now maybe I can get back to writing. I wonder what Tushi Bushi is being so quiet about? Aren't you worried? Is he sick or playing possum? And why and what? Do you give a Flying Wallabee about the Runaway Bride? If she didn't have money she wouldn't be making all this money. Yawn.
more later.

Monday, June 6, 2005

raising a grandkid

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Now that I have a thirteen year old living with me I am very hip and very on to the real world.
I bet you all thought I was dead not yet

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

NOT Another Bush

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What if Jeb runs? OR how about the comedienne Dona Serena? or BARBRA herself? So should we worry? Guess so.

Think the rich should pay more for Social Security?

Why is public School Important to this country?

These and other questions should keep you up all night.