Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Here it is nearly the end of the year 2004. And the start of a new one. Or so we think. Let's change all that. I say the NEW YEAR starts on April 1st, All Fool's Day. If you're with me, good -- if not, okay. April 1 will be the year of the rose. And the color red. So EA expect a red rose on your natal day. LOL

Posted by Hello

Friday, December 24, 2004

Mole Asses
subtitle: (before she was the PM)
RD Larson

"Moleskin?" I arched my usually level brow at the security guard.

"Yes, Madam, PM said moleskin."

"Feathers would suit me better," I mumbled, straightening my dress.

"Ah, yes, lovey, you are a rare old bird," said my spouse from his comfy chair.

"Travers, tell the PM to stuff his Moleskin opinion into his yellow bill; he's the duck in the soup of this damn Hunter's Ball." I dearly wanted to say balls, but it had got me cocked-up before. I thought I just might resign before Boxing Day.

Posted by Hello

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

New Bumper Sticker Now Circulating:


Democrats put it on the rear bumper.

Republicans put it on the front bumper.

New Bumper Sticker Now Circulating:


Democrats put it on the rear bumper.

Republicans put it on the front bumper.

Posted by Hello
Merry and Happy also I'm feel fine. Well, okay better. A little down at being down, but hey, still cruising. A little political humor:

Posted by Hello

Saturday, December 18, 2004


Posted by Hello
So are you sitting at home tonight? Trying to figure out the holiday situation. Me too. I probaby believe in Santa or maybe the goodness of my fellow humans. Hmmm. Things we really GET AS GIFTS are health and family and friends and joy. Merry Christmas from me to you.

Mama Tried to Raise a Lady:
Submitted By Arts Editor Pamela Faye

"Pop said his list was longer than the Pope's dress."
From historic fiction the author RD Larson takes the reader to another time when country life meandered through the toils of old; forever lifting humor from the tireless tasks of the 20th century. In those days Mama Tried to Raise a Lady but "the Baby, Rose (RD)" loved to roll in the dust with the Labrador while she imitated his scratching at fleas.

This author RD Larson tells a humorous tale to enthrall the imagination of all with:

"I ran straight at old Billy and Pop grabbed the rope, bull-dogging the errant goat amid hoots of laughter from the guests."

"Mama Tried to Raise a Lady" will have anthology lovers seeking RD Larson"s book of short stories, only one of three by the Washington State author.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Beautiful Christmas to you, my friendly reader out there in private space. Fire red glows like excitement and party time and hearts. May you enjoy every minute of the season.

Posted by Hello

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Ever think about what Christmas is about? Selfless Unselfish behavior. Sharing. Committment. Responsibility. Laughter. Candles. Eating. Eating more. Sadness. gifts of self and soul.


Friday, December 10, 2004

Even if I don't know you I am sure you are sad this time of year. I know I am. It's hard with not a lot of time or money or interest. There's been so much said about gifts that it has lost its magic. People get stuff all year around. When I was a kid I got stuff at Christmas and before a new year of school started. Now everyone has IPODs and DVD players and never worry that their shoes are wearing out. I miss having a home with a Mom and a Dad and a Brother but that was then and this is now. Not happy about the coming surgery. Oh well. It's the wrong time for me to do this. Wonder if I can hold off til spring? I don't know what I want for my birthday??? nothing I guess. Happy that my stories are doing so well - Mama Tried to Raise a Lady is being reprinted again. So that's nice. Sad to hear my friend's husband died. Keep in touch. Did you know you could leave a comment beneath. This is a bit like talking to the Internet God. Somebody Somewhere.

Posted by Hello

Tuesday, December 7, 2004

It's on the ceiling: it's on the floor
It's not living, not anymore, not anymore
My alien lover's come here from the stars.
Up dare, uthey don't drive no shitty cars.

It's on the ceiling: it's on the floor
It's not living, not any more, any more.
My alien lover's got a little green pickle,
He uses to make me go tickle, tickle.

It's in the hall, it's on the floor.
It won't let me out, out the door.
My foreign agent, my alien brother,
He's my only signifant other.

Monday, December 6, 2004

Can't sleep. Ate cereal now eating ice cream. I had a book signing yesterday. Binge because I can't sleep. stoopid.

Saturday, December 4, 2004

I'm left. where are you:
Posted by Hello

Thursday, December 2, 2004

Stop in the name of common sense.

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